Kelsey Tatum

When I first began with Jessica I had been with 3 coaches previously who had all put me in the position of excess cardio with calorie/food restrictions.I would follow meal plan after meal plan with no individualized attention. I knew that something had to change.

The first thing Jessica had me do was take a step back. Reduce training/cardio and incorporate more meditation and stretching. I originally was nervous on these changes but quickly realized it’s exactly what my body needed.

Jessica sent me very individualized macro plans and I then began sending her my daily fitness pal logs regarding my nutrition.

Jessica opened my eyes to understanding that I am my own fitness/nutrition coach. She helped me see that there is no such thing as inherently ‘good’ or ‘bad’ choices, but rather gave me guidance to note changes with in my own body in order to become my own coach.

She had very open communication and was always willing to address my questions or concerns. Jessica is the reason I now have freedom from food restrictions and I am more in tune with how my body responds. I am forever grateful for the time I worked with her.