Mairu Orbay

I am finally learning to speak the same language as my body, after a lifetime of back and forth between extremes.  The experience of working with Jessica has been much more than yet another short-term, packaged promise to achieve the elusive transformation we all seek.

This kind of shift has been beyond physical, a behavioral and mental one.  Jessica, thank you for your unwavering patience and encouragement – especially at the beginning – when I couldn’t see even a glimpse of light at the end of the tunnel that had become my eternal cycle of frustration and insecurity.
 I have become pretty good at no letting myself spiral from a “cheat” meal to a cheat week when I have a bad day, or crash diet for a week to drown the next seven days in a sea of candy, fast food, and regret.. Now I know how to spot the patterns and listen to myself. I finally understand that nothing is inherently bad or good for you and that there is no need to deprive or overexert yourself in fruitless attempts to beat your body into submission.
I look forward to working on this at every stage of my life.  Thank you for giving me back my body, in so many ways.  Now I understand,  just like learning a new language, this is something I will need to continue to practice in order to remain as fluent as possible for the rest of my days.  Your passion and desire to help others transform their lives is a gift, not just to me, but to the countless others you will undoubtedly go on to help.